Friday, November 11, 2011

"I'm Crazy, but I'm not stupid." - Jackie Chan

I am sorry to say, but the title, Royally Stoned, has nothing to do with the content of the blog. Sad, isn't it? No, i am not someone who writes their experiences while getting higher than the clouds, UNLESS, i witness somebody who did something hilariously stupid. Because I do and will comment on those. Especially when they are the most hilarious things i have ever seen in my life. 

I have found that for some reason, the stupidest things happen in my sight, or by me. So why not write about it. (just as a hint, each post will have one funny comment, and one tip... just so you know...) And just to put it out there, these things that i write about are happening in real life. If you are thinking, "no... there cant possibly be someone that stupid..." think again my friend. Im sorry to say, but your wrong. 

Now moving on...


While on a college visit, there were two British boys. Seeing as they were British, everyone loved them....mostly because of they're accent. As we were driving to a visitor's activity, a girl (blonde) turns around, faces them, and asks, "How do you say please in British?" -_-

Yes. This actually happened... this was actually said. I am SOO sorry for you blondes out there who hate blonde jokes, but this girl is just proving the theory. How do you not know that Britain and America both speak the same language? "Oh hey, I'm from England. I'm fluent in two languanges, American and British." You know, I would expect that this would be pretty self explanatory, but i guess not. Oh Sad, sad day...

TIP #1:

Don't think that i do this ALL the time. Cuz if you do, you will get the impression that i am a loner and that is completely not true. for future record, i actually have friends. sooo... ya... anyways.... my tip for today... on 11/11/11... is...

You don't always have to go out and be social every night. It may sound strange, and you may feel like a loner the first time, but it is SOO relaxing to just take a night off and chill in your room and watch tv shows with some tea. The more life goes on, the more you wont have those moments. Sadly, Im finding that out right now.

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